FS-Force Trim

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Moderator: RussDirks

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FS-Force Trim

Post by maxam » Wed Nov 02, 2016 6:31 pm

This page allows you to set which trim system will be used for this class of aircraft. Usually you will want to select FS Force. However, if you have a flight yoke as well as a force feedback joystick, you may wish to use the flight yoke exclusively for certain aircraft.

Hi Russ,

Just trying to wrap my head around this. I have assigned the Saitek Trim wheel and Iris Dynamics Yoke in Prepar3D and selected FS-Force to handle the trim system. What is the advantage of providing the 2 systems instead of providing FS-force as the primary trim handling system? If trim is not intercepted by FS-Force are you saying that the centering force will not be felt on the yoke if FSX is selected?



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Re: FS-Force Trim

Post by RussDirks » Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:10 pm

Hi Rob,

Yes, I need to update that section. I wrote it long before the Iris yoke came out, when there were no FF yokes available. Some people have both a non-FF yoke, and a FF joystick, and when they fly their airliners, they want to use their yoke, even if it means foregoing the features provided by FS Force.
Russel Dirks
Forum Moderator

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