Having problems, not to sure...

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Having problems, not to sure...

Post by A321 » Sat May 01, 2004 4:07 am

Hi all,

Well I activated FS Force a day or so ago, and I got a new Joystick, probley not the best their is but its a Cyborg 3D (yes it is the Force Feedback one).

Now my problems....

I have read the FS Force manual.. and done the saitek settings & removed the trim settings etc

The stick feels very limp, during flight, I feel almost no control forces, I have all forces set o 100% in the Game Controler settings.

The stick just falls foward, and the plane noses down. the stick appears to be working, as all the tests work, but with FS2004 it seems very limp during flight. Ground bumps work great...

The forces dont seem to hold the stick in place so I cant fly hands off, as I have to hold the stick in place, and I hardly feel any forces acting on the stick.

Any Help would be great.


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Post by RussDirks » Sat May 01, 2004 11:14 pm

What joystick were you using before the Cyborg? Was it working ok?

Most important thing is to disable the default Force Feedback within FS2004.

Do you get proper control forces using the "virtual aircraft" in Profile Manager?
Russel Dirks
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Post by A321 » Thu May 06, 2004 6:21 am

RussDirks wrote:What joystick were you using before the Cyborg? Was it working ok?

Most important thing is to disable the default Force Feedback within FS2004.

Do you get proper control forces using the "virtual aircraft" in Profile Manager?
I was using anothe Saitek, ruble force stick.

I removed its drivers, and the force feedback tests work fine with the new Cyborg 3D.

I have disabled FF in FS2004.

I really need help with. Is it normal that when your plane is on the ground the stick is full foward??


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Post by RussDirks » Fri May 07, 2004 8:50 am

When you're on the ground, the stick normally pulls forward a bit due to elevator weight. That is a feature you can turn off if you don't like it.

Try this ...

1. Make sure FS is not running.
2. Start up Profile Manager
3. Got to the profiles tab.
4. Edit the Generic profile
5. Go to the Ground Ops tab and make sure Saitek Grooves is selected. Click Apply.
6. Use the joystick throttle to increase the speed on the "virtual aircraft"
7. You should be feeling ground bumps. As the speed builds up the centering force on the joystick should increase.
8. Click "Aircraft On Ground" to simulate take off. The ground bumps should stop. You should feel control stiffness.
9. Raise and lower the gear. You should feel gear thumps and gear buffeting.
10. Enter -300 in the VSpeed edit box, and click "Aircraft on Ground" to simulate a landing. You should feel the landing impact.

Let me know which of those forces you feel, and which you don't.
Russel Dirks
Forum Moderator

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