Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

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Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by Mike1304 » Tue Aug 16, 2016 12:57 am

I bought Prepar3D (latest version V3.3) today and was disappointed when I realized that there was no force-feedback coming from my Saitek Cyborg 3D Force - Joystick (the force feedback in other sims like FSX for example works perfectly). Then I read that there is a problem with FF in the latest version and that I need to buy the program "FS Force 2". Okay I bought this program too, I activated it, it starts automatically when I start Prepar3D in the background but it still gives me no force feedback.
I have only the default planes (no addons yet). Can someone please help me?

Did I do something wrong (do I have to activate the ff somehow?)?

Or is my joystick not supported by your FS Force software?

If this is the case: Which FF-joystick would I have to buy to have working FF in Prepar3D v3.3? I don't want a HOTAS, only a joystick with thrust control. But I hope that I would get it to work with my Saitek-Stick, because it works good in all other sims and I don't want to throw out even more money than I already did today...

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Re: Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by RussDirks » Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:47 am


First of all, an issue was discovered in FS Force that affects users of P3D 3.3, and I plan on having a fix out later today or tomorrow. It may partially explain your problems.

However, there is a high probability that your controller will not work with FS Force. I don't think Saitek has provided any updated drivers for Windows 8/10. I would be interested to know if you can verify that. Please visit for a list of compatible controllers.

Before doing anything, though, wait until I have the new release out.
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Re: Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by Mike1304 » Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:13 pm

Thank you for your quick reply! I will wait and see what the patch brings. Would be a dream come true if the patch would solve my problem...
My old Saitek-Joystick has no actual drivers for Win 10 but it works with FSX (and other sims) and even your Test/Calibration-tool works and gives me FF-effects ("only" in game it doesn't work)...

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Re: Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by RussDirks » Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:28 pm

Version is now available from the download page. Please install it over top of your existing installation and let me know how it goes.
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Re: Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by Mike1304 » Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:06 pm

It's so sad! I tried the latest version but still no FF... :cry:

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Re: Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by Mike1304 » Wed Aug 17, 2016 7:57 pm

It's a nightmare. If my old Saitek Cyborg 3D Force joystick is really not supported (although it works well in FSX and other sims!?) it seems that I can't even go to a shop and buy a new FF-joystick because they have all disappeared from the market!?

So you make a FF-software but there is no FF-hardware available?
(I don't want to buy old second-hand-hardware...)

I can't believe this! I come from simracing-scene and know that there are tons of good FF-wheels on the market. Every simracing-enthusiast uses FF-wheels (Logitech, Thrustmaster, Fanatec ...) and spends a lot of money to have good force feedback which is essential for a good simulation/immersion.

Is it really true that In the FLIGHT-sim-scene it is totally the other way round? No demand for force feedback and therefore not a single (!!!) FF-joystick available on the market? I thought that FLIGHTSIM-enthusiasts also spend a lot of money for optimal simulation/immersion (for Addons...) so it seems absurd that they don't want simulated forces. The forcefeedback is what brings the sim to life IMHO...

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Re: Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by RussDirks » Thu Aug 18, 2016 4:15 am

I agree with most of what you're saying. Keep in mind that I released FS Force back in 2005, when there were still a number of new FF controllers available. I think the problem was the default FF of FSX was so bad that it created a negative bias in the flight-sim community toward FF, which has been very hard to over turn.

So yes, there are currently no FF controllers on the market. Surprisingly, my sales have not only remained steady, they have actually increased noticeably the last 2 years! People are obviously going out and buying used controllers, and seem to be quite happy with their experience, as the reviews section on my web site shows.

Before giving up on your joystick though, please send me the following files, just in case there is something wrong with your configuration.
  1. C:\User\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\EXE.xml
  2. C:\User\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3\DLL.xml
  3. C:\ProgramData\FS Force\FSForce.cfg
  4. C:\ProgramData\FS Force\logfile.txt
Please include them as attachments. Use the "Upload attachment" tab below where you type in the message.
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Re: Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by Mike1304 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:35 am

Thank you very much for helping me!
See my files attached.
Having problems with uploading the logfile.txt
Will try it in a different post (perhaps I am only allowed to upload 3 files...)
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Re: Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by Mike1304 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:36 am

I found 2 different logfile.txt-files (see both attached)...
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Re: Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by Mike1304 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:43 am

I wanted to tell you that (I think it was when I installed your software) I had to do a force-feedback test in 2 stages.
The program asked me what kind of FF I felt.
In the first stage I felt repeating effects (like a heartbeat).
In the first stage I felt a permanent vibration (which should be as expected for Saitek-Joysticks the program said...).

So this is just an info for you that the FF worked already in the test, but not in game...

Can't remember how I can reproduce this test with the two stages described above.
I only found a "ForceTest.exe" in the Support-section of your homepage but this one looks different. I can't find a "Start Test"-button where the two above stages will be started...
Sorry for my bad english (not my mother tongue...) :oops:

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Re: Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by RussDirks » Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:15 am

The joystick test can be found in Profile Manager at the bottom of the Options tab. You will probably need to scroll to see it.

Also, based on your .cfg file, it looks like you have not programmed your trim assignments. This can also be done in Profile Manager, on the "Controller Assignments" tab.
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Re: Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by Mike1304 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 1:53 pm

That's true. I just thought that I'll have to install the program and it will work.
So you mean there is a chance that it will work after all when I change something with "trim assignments"?
That would be wonderful.
Can you please tell me step by step what I have exactly to do? Or is there a detailed description somewhere?

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Re: Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by RussDirks » Sat Aug 20, 2016 6:40 am

Mike1304 wrote:I just thought that I'll have to install the program and it will work.
Really! That amazes me!
Mike1304 wrote:Can you please tell me step by step what I have exactly to do? Or is there a detailed description somewhere?
Well, I've already practically explained it to you when I said ... "This can also be done in Profile Manager, on the Controller Assignments tab." Have you even started Profile Manager and looked at that screen? Are you saying you can't figure out how it works?

You really should spend some time reading the documentation ... like, for example, the Getting Started section. :wink:
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Re: Force Feedback doesn't work in P3D v3.3 - Please help!

Post by Mike1304 » Sat Aug 20, 2016 10:44 pm

Well, it seems that I am really that stupid! :cry:
I don't even know what "trim" means (perhaps a language problem too) and on the "Controller assignment"-screen I've only seen a view possibilities to assign some keyboard- or joystick-BUTTONS...
I thought that this is not the right thing for me because all I have to assign in a game/sim normally are axis and not buttons. And it are the axis which bring me the force feedback...
In a game all I have to do is to choose "axis for elevator" for example and then I pull my joystick back and the axis is configured. I think I didn't even have to do this because it was already configured by default...
Sorry for not understanding. It seems I'm a difficult case... :oops:

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