Dear Mr. Evans,
I try to reply to you on an adult manner, next time I hope you do the same:'ve messed with EVERY keyboard and joystick setting in FS, and now expect the FS Force software to work for you as well..?
I didn't change a single default keyboard command, those are still valid. About the joystick buttons, see the table below.
Madness. Ingenious madness; machiavellian madness. But madness nonetheless.
Thausends of PLC programmers are doing this "madness" every day, day in day out. You are surely not a programmer.
You have to re-map EVERY single key press to some arcane combination of buttons on the stick to get even close to the basic combinations of keypresses in FS, and that's before you start getting `clever` with the advanced key options! All that, and then devise a new spreadsheet detailing the relative stick combinations available, AND a way of measuring the effectiveness of every press, in order to ensure you haven't inadvertently pressed the 7 `up` when the 8 should be `down` or whatever. Then ensure that any add-ons you might use don't conflict in any way with your chosen keypresses, and devise different combinations for them, too if necessary. Crazed genius, my boy!
Do you find the programming of the radio and navigation apparatus in FS via the keyboard clever? Did you look at the "FSUIPC for Advanced Users.doc". In my opinion you looked only to the title, otherwise it would be impossible that you would have written the above.
For myself, I'd have a little 2-way clamp bought from the local DIY store to hold the keyboard at an appropriate angle off the desk, or built a little shelf for the Monitor and put the keyboard underneath... but don't let my simple and easy solution shy you away from re-programming of Cray proportions to save you the hassle of pressing buttons on the board by, well, pressing more buttons in strange and nefarious combination on the stick!!!
That's the true solution of a genius
. I am wearing reading glasses, so forget your solution!
Well here is a comparison for you, who loves the keyboard juggling of FS so much:
Code: Select all
...................... Default ............ Programmed
Breaks ............... Button 1 ........... Button 1
Cycle views + ........ Button 2 ........... Button 8+5
Cycle views - ........ Shift-S ............ Button 8+6
Elevator trim up ..... Button 3 ........... Button 3
Elevator trim down ... Button 4 ........... Button 4
Extend flaps ......... Button 5 ........... Button 5
Retract flaps ........ Button 6 ........... Button 6
Kneeboard ............ Button 7 ........... ---
Gear Up/down ......... Button 8 ........... Button 2
Prop. pitch/speed - .. CTRL+F2 ............ Button 8+3
Prop. pitch/speed + .. CTRL+F3 ............ Button 8+4
Mixture - .............CTRL+SHIFT+F2 ...... Button 7+3
Mixture + ............ CTRL+SHIFT+F3 ...... Button 7+4
Wooow! What a difference between the default assignment and the programmed version! One command is changed of joystick button (gear), one is deleted (the one I never used). BTW you also could use the keypad 9 or keypad 3 button instead of F2 and F3. With F2 and F3 you need long fingers; with the 9 and 3 key, both hands, but thanks to FS-FORCE we can now let the joystick loose for a short moment, thanks Russel!) Do you think that you can learn the table on the left faster than the one on the right ?
I foresee a career for you in government administration!
Don't get personnal, it shows your immaturity.