Hi Russ,
With you being a PPL holder. Would you be able to provide a Profile for the Iris Yoke.
With not being a holder of such a license and not knowing what real yoke should feel like
i think a few people would appreciate one.
Profile for a C172
Moderator: RussDirks
Re: Profile for a C172
Hi Les,
The profiles are intended more for setting up a different control feel for different classes of aircraft, as opposed to making 'across the board' changes to account for the characteristics of the controller. So, sorry, but I don't think I could help you there.
The profiles are intended more for setting up a different control feel for different classes of aircraft, as opposed to making 'across the board' changes to account for the characteristics of the controller. So, sorry, but I don't think I could help you there.
Russel Dirks
Forum Moderator
Forum Moderator