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Iris Yoke - Not smooth in bank movement

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 4:46 pm
by RMM
Hello Russ..
I have the Iris Dynamics force feedback yoke running P3D and the A2A C172 Trainer.
You suggested in another earlier thread that A2A has some Aileron Remapping built in. So I disabled the Aileron Remapping in FS Force, as you suggested to reduce the sensitivity.

The sensitivity changed a lot. But a new problem arose. Now I feel the effort required in a bank, but the movement is "notchy". This is a very uneven, jerky movement rather than more smooth and steady pressure that the pilot feels against the control surface.

I know from other reading that you worked with the Iris Yoke. What do you suggest to find a happy balance of smoothness and effort in the aileron axis?

Would tweaking friction and/or damping be of help?


Re: Iris Yoke - Not smooth in bank movement

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:59 pm
by RussDirks
That notchy feeling is something all FF controllers exhibit to some degree or other depending on the quality of the servos used. There is really nothing you can do about it, although a compromise would be to lower the centering force in Profile Manager. In my experience, layering other forces on top of it, like friction or damping, only makes things worse, but YMMV. If you feel the notchiness is excessive, I would contact Iris Dynamics and report it. Maybe your hardware is defective or of a lower quality than usual.

Re: Iris Yoke - Not smooth in bank movement

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 1:52 pm
by RMM

I flashed the latest firmware and set up a new profile for the A2A C172. This problem has been resolved.

If you have a C172 profile that you find is working well, then please send me a PM. I am putting together a comparison of FSForce profiles used for different aircraft, and really want multiple examples of the C172.