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New Beta...Good news & Bad news.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:03 pm
by spilok
Thanks for the new Beta. Tried it this morning on a flight out of SeaTac with the 260 Marchetti. Real Weather (and it was raining). Good Trim Indicator didn't cause flashing on my 9800 ATI Radeon. Bad news......when the indicator came on the sim stopped for 2 seconds, continued and stopped again for 2 seconds when the indicator went off. I will try the sim in different weather, and maybe turn the indicator off if I can.
Stan's the indicator itself!

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:29 pm
by spilok
Tried the flight without the indicator, and it was a smooth as silk. I do miss some indication of + or - when it comes to trim. I hope you can fix this because I kind of like that little indicator, too.
I'm loving the forces of your program, and I especially look forward to landings. They feel so real and you can almost feel the weight of the plane touching down. When turbulence is finally added, this program will take a back seat to NOTHING out there.

Thanks again, Stan

Never mind...I see this in Bug Reports forum.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 9:26 pm
by spilok
Never mind about this message. Sorry, I should have put it in Bug Reports Forum area. I see, though, that it has already been reported.