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Unable to locate a force feedback joystick

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 4:52 pm
by hilimi
Hello Mr. Russ Dirks ,

thank you for your nice Software !

After installing the latest Version of FS Force the Joystick Test doesn't wok.
It appears an error message :Unable to locate a force feedback Joystick
I use the g940 with windows 7 64bit
Is there a solution or can I ignore it ?
Otherwise everything works without Problems.

Thank you for your answer in advance !

Best regards

Re: Unable to locate a force feedback joystick

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 11:05 pm
by RussDirks

I just ran a quick test with my G940, and the joystick test worked ok. If everything else is working normally for you, I think you can ignore that. The joystick test is only relevant for Saitek controllers.