Problem setting trim (and other) buttons from GUI

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Problem setting trim (and other) buttons from GUI

Post by MarkH » Sat Apr 30, 2016 3:16 am

The new feature for setting the buttons used to operate trim and other functions from the GUI does not work for me. When I click in the box for the function I want to set (Trim UP, let's say) it appears to work on the assumption that all joystick buttons are UP (i.e. no button is being pressed). It then captures the first button click and programs the function to that button. Unfortunately this assumption is false for nine of my fifteen joystick devices. Most of these are Leo Bodnar BBI-32 boards, but one is the CH Eclipse yoke. The Eclipse has a 3-position dial that always keeps one of three buttons held down.

The result is that I cannot program the trim buttons this way. FSF automatically uses the first held-down button on the first joystick it enumerates. In my system this is the Eclipse and I always get button 24, 25 or 26, depending on the setting of the three-position dial. If I unplug the Eclipse it uses the first held-down button on the first Leo Bodnar board.

I have gone back to editing the CFG file and that still works for me.

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Re: Problem setting trim (and other) buttons from GUI

Post by RussDirks » Sun May 01, 2016 1:51 am

Thanks for that report. I'll have to modify the algorithm to take a snapshot of all the buttons at the start of a scan, and ignore buttons that are currently "down". Hopefully I can get to that fairly soon.
Russel Dirks
Forum Moderator

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