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trim allocation

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:28 pm
by philippe rostain
i am coming back to a subject :trim allocation which we already discussed month ago with a new demand ,
i noticed you treat more in detail this subject in your support site ,bravo ,
nevertheless i could not find the proper answer to my problem ,
i use with great satisfaction fs force and would not like to quid due to trim problem allocation on my josticks ;
i use the following joysticks as a combined system :
sidewinder 2, thrustmaster warhtog hotas throtle +saitek quadrant to command gaz mixture and propeller when needed ,saitek switch panel ,
but for landing gear ,flaps and trim i use a the very nice goflight module GF LGTH ,
as you may known this module does not appear in the FSX / parameters/command,so it is not possible to follow your indication to assign the trim to this module as i d ont known how to name it and number it in FS FORCE config ,
so what s the solution to assign your trim system to the go goflight trim wheel in the LGTH MODULE ?
thanks p rostain