Suggestion for yoke/stick combinations

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Bill Womack
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Suggestion for yoke/stick combinations

Post by Bill Womack » Fri Nov 03, 2006 1:39 pm

Hi Russ,

I've had a chance to fly for a few days now with the new system that allows us to stop/start FSForce from a menu within FSX. It's definitely an improvement over having to exit full-screen mode to stop it when I want to fly with a yoke. Never one to leave well enough alone, however, I'm going to push a little more...

Would it be possible to have a profile that actually acted as a "blanking" profile, and re-enabled the stock FS trim settings while it was active? What I'm getting at is that I'm still having to remember to go up to the menu and stop FSForce when switching to a yoke-driven plane. And sometimes I don't remember until I'm in the air and my elevator trim suddenly doesn't work. This is more prevalent now that GoFlight have released their software for FSX and I'm back to using my trim wheel again for planes with yokes. It would be so very sweet if I could somehow tell FSForce "I don't want to use you for this aircraft" and have it disable itself until I load a plane with a stick, and need it again.

Yeah, yeah, I know, it's not as easy as that. Still, I'll bet you can do it. What was that noise? Sounded like a gauntlet being thrown down.


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Re: Suggestion for yoke/stick combinations

Post by RussDirks » Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:19 am

Bill Womack wrote:Would it be possible to have a profile that actually acted as a "blanking" profile, and re-enabled the stock FS trim settings while it was active?


It would be so very sweet if I could somehow tell FSForce "I don't want to use you for this aircraft" and have it disable itself until I load a plane with a stick, and need it again.
Actually I think that is a really good idea. Will put it on the to-do list.

Russel Dirks
Forum Moderator

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