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Stealth bomber blues

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 10:48 am
by flowdrip
Hi Russ,
Just downloaded a jet from SurClaro and it is doing really WEIRD stuff on the runway. With no throttle the F 117 Stealth Bomber starts bucking like a bronco then crashes into the tarmac! This happened with a 747-400 that I downloaded. If I add power when it starts bucking, it just makes it buck down the runway faster until it crashes. Never seen anything like it.
Now for problem #2. My brother came over one day to fly and he must of changed my settings, because now when I fly a jumbo jet, the Force Feedback 2 bounces around my desktop like someone is trying to give it a rectal exam. Can you tell me which setting needs to be turned down?
Thanks :?:

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 12:04 am
by RussDirks
Try uninstalling FS Force, delete any remaining files and folders, and then re-install.

Bucking bronco

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 12:46 pm
by flowdrip
I uninstalled not only FSForce, but also FS 2002 Pro as well. I got rid of the bucking bronco, but the force feedback while cruising is a bit much. (The neighbors downstairs asked me what I was doing last night, and from the looks on their faces, they didn't believe me when I told them I was flying my jet!) Anyway to tone it down? :)

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 10:27 pm
by RussDirks
but the force feedback while cruising is a bit much.
If by that you mean the centering forces are too strong, you can change that. Simply open up the Profile Manager, and edit that profile. There's a screen where you can modify the centering forces for aileron and elevator.

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 8:48 am
by flowdrip
Can you or someone out there recommend some aileron and elevator settings for a 747-400? I looked in the settings that some people has shared with this forum, but nobody seems to fly the jumbos. Again, thanks for the immediate response. :)