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G940 “Reversal Bug” Firmware 1.42 update
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 10:39 am
by wrap23
For G940 users, I happened upon this very recent post on the DCS Forum. It provides links to update the G940 firmware to stop reversal bug on all axes. I haven’t had opportunity to try it yet but the DCS thread includes very positive feedback.
The link to the forum post is here:
Re: G940 “Reversal Bug” Firmware 1.42 update
Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2019 2:28 pm
by wrap23
Hello Russ and other G940 owners.
In case you aren’t aware, Fred41, is continuing his work on the G940 firmware. According to some G940 users over on DCS forum, he’s making great strides at improving it.
Thought you might be interested and perhaps take a look at this new thread:
There may be some veteran 940 users over here that might be able to offer valuable feedback to Fred so he can further improve the firmware.
Just a thought,
Re: G940 “Reversal Bug” Firmware 1.42 update
Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2019 5:00 pm
by LyndonSeb
When's this new and improved firmware supposed to come out, Wrap23?
Re: G940 “Reversal Bug” Firmware 1.42 update
Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2020 2:33 pm
by Steiny
Well, i've done it, i've updated to fred's firmware update 1.42 and i cannot believe how accurate my axis are.... before it felt like particularly the throttle was just all over the place with minor adjustments and now it's like butter... it just doesn't jump around any more. Also the rudders are more accurate, i still gotta get my head around using my feet for rudder, but i'm slowly getting better and better at them. So, it's definately an improvement over what Logitech used. It's kinda weird though, that a guy who loves programming, has spent time to dive into the code to see if he can improve on what the manufacturer actually ok'd on.... and actually did it. Thanks to Fred my G940 now has a new life!
So hoping you get full working access to the SDK, RussDirks, as my 940 is waiting for your brilliant software.
I noticed there's actually a FFB slider now inside the game with the new update, for "recognized" flightgear... Would it be an idea to find the list and make the G940 and other sticks to be recognized?
Woof ~ Woof & salute