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Clash with Active Camera?!

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:21 pm
by tinpot
Has anyone tried running FS Force and Active Camera simultaneously? I find that after a few minutes of doing so, I suddenly lose all control of my Forcefeedback joystick. I thenhave to reinstall the joystick driver!

I'm using thet rial version of FS Force and the full version of Active Camera. I need to sort this out before I consider purchasing FS Force.

many thanks for any help

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 4:29 am
by RussDirks
When that happens, try using the FS Force Re-init command (Shift-I). It won't solve any conflict, but it may cause FS Force to resume normal operation with minimal hassle.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2004 4:32 am
by tinpot
Did try that. Alas no joy, and now my trial has run out!

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2004 5:29 am
by hm

Well I do, without problems !


Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 3:00 am
by tinpot
Interesting to know that you don't have a clash with Active problem comes on after a few minutes! :(

FS-FORCE + Active Camera

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2004 2:31 am
by hm
Are you sure, your pitot heating is on ? Because FS_Force uses the indicated airspeed to calculate the forces and when the pitot tube is iced, your indicated speed is 0, resulting in 0 forces. IMHO a major flaw of FS-FORCE but I can live with it, but not without FS-Force :wink:


Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 10:44 pm
by tinpot
Thanks hm....I'll give that a go. I'll admit that I have been known to forget the pitot heat. :oops: