Russel....any progress on next version of FSFORCE?

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Russel....any progress on next version of FSFORCE?

Post by spilok » Fri Jul 02, 2004 10:55 pm

Enjoy your program daily. Are you still contemplating the next version, and will you add the "turbulence" bump? This will be an awesome achievent and greatly add to the realism we all try to capture.

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Russell...where are you?

Post by spilok » Mon Jul 05, 2004 4:09 am

My thread has been posted for a while now, and I'd love to get a response. I see it's being read. All I want to know is if something's in the works.
Love to hear from someone on this.

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Post by RussDirks » Mon Jul 05, 2004 9:44 am

Hi Stan, sorry for taking so long to reply. I am in fact "contemplating" the next version, but I can't honestly say anything is in the works. A few weeks ago I spent a couple of days poking around on it, and in fact had thought that this summer would be when I really got down to working on the next version, but it doesn't look like things are going to work out as I had planned. There just seems to be a lot of other things going on. I'll let you know when things change.
Russel Dirks
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How are things going, Russell?

Post by spilok » Mon Sep 13, 2004 9:49 pm

I know that you were "contemplating" the next version of FS Force, but I hope you're close to implementation. I would love to feel that TURBULENCE BUMP if you can do it.
Now, the Microsoft FF2 is unavailable. I'm wondering what I'm going to get when this stick starts to have problems. I have to start thinking about a new stick EQUAL to the quality of the Microsoft.
Any suggestions?

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Post by RussDirks » Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:56 am

Both the Saitek and the Logitech Wingman Strike Force 3D are "ok" joysticks, but not as good as the MSFF2, IMO. I noticed Thrustmaster has a force feedback joystick now (Top Gun AfterBurner Force Feedback). I think one of my customers said he had it, but I haven't heard how it rates compared to the other joysticks.
Russel Dirks
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Post by Panther » Wed Sep 29, 2004 4:23 pm

@Stan: I cannot recommend the Thrustmaster FF Stick. I bought it because my MS FF2 broke, but brought it back to the store one day later as it didn`t fulfill my demands: compared to the MS FF2, it was not precise enough and the FF effects were not convincing. I then bought a used MS FF2 at eBay - paid even more than for a new one but it was worth it.

In my opinion the MS FF2 is presently unbeatable. Logitech is absolutely no option, the Sticks are in my opinion not worth the box they are delivered in (for sure they`re worse than the Thrustmaster Stick). I cannot tell anything about Saitek as i never had one.

@Russ: I really hope you find the time to add the planned new features to FS Force in the near future. I enjoy FS Force very much and think it is one of the most beneficial FS9 addons on the market, but it is really a shame that FS Force doesn`t support such important realistic effects like rudder fluttering near stall speed.

Bill Womack
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Post by Bill Womack » Mon Oct 04, 2004 12:42 pm

Hi Russel,

Boy, I sure hope you do decide to make a next version of FSForce. From the sound of it, you were contemplating a solution that didn't rely on DX or something, which would hopefully result in better stability. I've had to pretty much turn off FFB on my stick, as the forces even w/FSForce were just too flaky. Sometimes they'd work right, but mostly I'd have to re-initialize or reload the profile after takeoff, or some of the forces would just fade away. I know it's probably my stick, but dang it now that they're not making the Sidewinder2 anymore, I'm just not all that enthused about buying any of the others. This stick still feels better with a strong centering spring and no FFB than most non-FF sticks do anyway. But I'd sure like to get my FSForce back in action.

Bill Womack

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Post by MajorUrsa » Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:32 am

Bill Womack wrote:Sometimes they'd work right, but mostly I'd have to re-initialize or reload the profile after takeoff, or some of the forces would just fade away.
I agree. I too have inconsistent 'outs' of FSForce and reload after a touch-and-go. Also no consistent behavior at touch-down. Just recently revisited FSForce and decided to buy but now I can't really rely on it. So a cleanup next version would be very welcome.


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