Some Suggestions...

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Moderator: RussDirks

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Some Suggestions...

Post by Panther » Wed Dec 31, 2003 7:36 am

Although the application is already quite good, there is of course room for improvement...
I think the most interesting and useful improvements would be:

- more profiles of course (for example 'Heavy Props' for Planes like the DC3).
Russ: maybe it would be a good idea to open a 'profile' section on the FS Force Homepage which allows users to upload/download their own created profiles. Ideally this section would have a function to rate the uploaded profiles.

- more Ground Effects (for example special vibrations when thrust reversers are engaged). And although i appreciate the tutorial which allows to modify/create own ground ops, it would be a good idea for future versions of FS Force to include the modification of ground ops into the GUI.

- the shaking rudder effect which occurs in real airplanes short before reaching stall speed (maybe you already mentioned that with the term 'stall buffeting')

Last edited by Panther on Wed Dec 31, 2003 7:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by RussDirks » Wed Dec 31, 2003 7:39 am

Hi Panther,

I just created a new forum on this site called "Tips & Tricks". You can post any profiles you created there, and see what other people are doing. Hopefully it will get some use. Not quite as organized as your idea
Russel Dirks
Forum Moderator

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