Trim Gauge

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Trim Gauge

Post by gderreck » Tue Dec 02, 2014 12:10 pm


I have migrated to P3D...currently version 2.4. I have the P3D version of FS Force and it is working as expected, except the trim gauge very rarely shows on the screen. I ran the profile manager a couple of times, but no joy. The program is alerting me when new aircraft are installed to run the profile manager. Still nothing showing up on the screen. I understand this is a gauge. I looked in the panel folder for the A2A C172. I have uploaded the panel.cfg file for that aircraft. I changed the extension to txt and wrapped it in a zip archive.

I should point out that I am using the new Nvidia DSR feature in P3D. As I'm sure you know, that is downsampling, to reduce shimmering in P3D. I don't know that that is creating issues with the placement of your gauge. My monitor is 1920 x 1080. The DSR setting is at 2715 x 1527. That is the resolution I have selected in P3D settings. The higher resolution/downsample only takes effect when I go to the P3D pseudo-full screen mode. This does not affect anything else in Windows.

Sorry for the long drawn out explanation. I wanted to give you as much info as possible. I'm not sure the DSR has anything to do with the disappearing trim gauge. What steps can I take to get my gauge back in the screen?


PS: Read you may be updating the software. Great news! Would be happy to pay an upgrade fee.
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Re: Trim Gauge

Post by RussDirks » Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:47 am

1. Does it do this with all aircraft, or only some? Default aircraft? Third-party aircraft?

2. Have you tried disabling DSR to see if it makes a difference.
Russel Dirks
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Re: Trim Gauge

Post by gderreck » Thu Dec 04, 2014 4:23 am

I'll get the answers to your questions and post.


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Re: Trim Gauge

Post by gderreck » Thu Dec 04, 2014 7:19 am

I loaded the default c172 from FSX. I got the trim gauge. It hides behind the taskbar in Windows 7. Have to move it to expose it. The trim gauge shows in both 1920 x 1080 and 2715 x 1527.
Loaded the A2A 182. No trim gauge.
Loaded the A2A 172. No trim gauge.

I then loaded the default c172 and changed the aircraft to the A2A c172. I got the trim gauge.
I then closed and reopened p3d. I loaded the A2A c172 and got the trim gauge.

Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason. I noticed that I could drag and drop the trim gauge elsewhere on the screen. That's how I got to see it in window mode. How can I go about moving the gauge permanently to see if that is the issue?

EDIT: I can't say the issue is solved, as it doesn't make sense to me. Well...who am I :roll: However, I restarted p3d two more times and loaded the A2A C172; and I had the trim gauge. It was still hiding behind that taskbar, but that's small potatoes. Would still like to know how to reposition the gauge, even if you consider the issue closed.



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Re: Trim Gauge

Post by RussDirks » Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:17 am

The position of the gauge is hard coded, but I'll look into whether I can make that user configurable.
Russel Dirks
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Re: Trim Gauge

Post by gderreck » Mon Dec 08, 2014 5:31 pm


Just a follow up. As I pointed out in the edit, I have the gauge in the A2A C172. No gauge in the A2A C182. Can you give me a template to use? I want to see if the entry in the panel.cfg file is correct. The reason I say this is at the top of the file, the entry for FS Force is Window15. At the bottom where the detail is, it said [Default]. Now I changed that to [Window15]. That didn't solve the issue. I can certainly change that back if I edited the file in error.


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Re: Trim Gauge

Post by RussDirks » Tue Dec 09, 2014 12:55 am

There should always be a section somewhere in the file that corresponds to the entry at the top of the file. In your case, you would look for a section [Window15]. It can sometimes be hard to find the section because it will be sandwiched right after another section. Generally you should not be renaming sections. If in doubt, look at the panel.cfg for one of the default aircraft.
Russel Dirks
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Re: Trim Gauge

Post by gderreck » Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:03 am

Well...I caught the problem. It was staring me in the face and I didn't notice it. There were 2 entries for FS Force in panel.cfg; stuck together. One under [Default] and one under [window15].

I should add that removing the [Default] entry got my trim gauge in the C182


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